Win Report: How a simplified sign-up flow increased conversion by 12%

Win Reports help you to grow your business by showing our methodology at work. Each article highlights a real-world test, sharing the research, insights, and techniques that led to the win.

In the next three minutes, we’ll show you how a consolidated sign-up flow increased conversion by 12%.

Trusted by Airbnb, Pinterest, and Revolut, Mobbin is the world’s largest mobile and web design reference library. Subscribers can access over 300,000 screens and 24,000 navigation flows for digital product design inspiration.

The image shows the original and variation screens side by side.

Research: Leveraging experience

While researching Mobbin’s website, we noticed that it offered two similar sign-up flows: one via the sign-up page and one through a pop-up modal.

Duplication like this piques our interest because it can offer the opportunity to simplify. And when we simplify websites—whether by removing unnecessary steps, deleting poorly performing content, or consolidating similar processes—conversion rates often improve.

In Mobbin’s case, combining the two sign-up processes offered an extra, longer-term benefit, as we’ll see below.

The original page (or control)

When Mobbin’s visitors interacted with certain site elements, they were asked to log in or sign up. If they had clicked a link within the page, this request appeared as a bare-bones modal window over the screen they were browsing.

The image shows the original page.
The Control: On-page links trigger a modal window.

The modal existed separately from Mobbin’s Signup page and lacked the persuasive content we had seen increase conversions elsewhere.

The tested page (or variation)

For our variation, we removed the modal form and redirected users to a refreshed version of the main sign-up page:

The image shows the variation we tested.
The Variation: The new page is more visually appealing and embodies trust.

The sign-up page already included the screens to the right and the customer logos beneath the form. We updated the headline and copy to emphasize that:

  • The account was free forever (not just a free trial).
  • Users would be able to search and filter over 300,000 screens.
  • No credit card was required.

Result: Conversion increased by 12%

During the test, we observed a 12% increase in sign-ups for free accounts. That’s a great win, but this simplification also delivered a small but significant bonus.

Consolidating these two user journeys made future testing easier. Without the original modal, more users see the main sign-up page, allowing new tests to focus there (and reach statistical significance faster).

Thinking strategically in this way can improve and compound the results of any long-term CRO program.

What next?

As usual, we added the test to our proprietary Wins Database, then looked for ways to apply its lessons to other parts of Mobbin’s business and then to other clients.

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We’ll only work with you if we believe we can get amazing results together. Our success has come entirely from positive word of mouth, and we plan to keep it that way.

Thanks to Mobbin for letting us share these insights (and lending their huge expertise to the interface design).

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