Win Report: How an optimized pricing page increased paid trials by 43%

Published: May 2024

Win Reports help you to grow your business by showing our methodology at work. Each article highlights a real-world test, sharing the research, insights, and techniques that led to the win.

See how an optimized pricing table increased paid trials by 43% for an investment service.

VectorVest is an award-winning stock portfolio management system for the independent investor. It analyzes 16,000+ stocks daily and provides a simple buy, sell, or hold rating for each.

The original and variation screens for this test.

Research: Confusion slows conversion

Web analytics showed that the pricing page was a high-traffic destination, with many users heading directly there from the homepage.

Our research aimed to identify roadblocks preventing users from committing to a 30-day paid trial.

The results were interesting. Despite the proof elements present on the website, users were skeptical of starting a trial. In our tests and surveys, they said things like:

“[VectorVest is] not clear about the trial.”

“I don’t find it trustworthy. It’s too salesy and flashy.”

Some who felt they understood the trial’s benefits still questioned its terms. For example, users were confused by the site’s use of the term “risk-free trial” despite charging $9.95 for the first month. Issues like these influenced how testers perceived VectorVest’s trustworthiness compared to close competitors.

The graph shows the client with a trust rating of 2.4 out of 5, versus the competitor ratings of 3.2 and 3.8.
Average trustworthiness scores for VectorVest and two competitors.

The original page (or control)

Details always matter, but it’s easy to see why potential subscribers might have questions. Are these trials $9.95 or $69/$99/$149? Are they a month-long…or 30 days long?

The original and variation screens for this test.
The Control: The Pricing page confused some users.

The tested page (or variation)

Our variation featured an updated design and new copy. Here it is.

The original and variation screens for this test.
The Variation: The trial price is prominently featured in each column, reassuring subscribers.

In addition, we:

  • Rewrote the headline to make the trial offer crystal clear.
  • Answered common objections around hidden fees, lock-in, and cancellation.
  • Reformatted the top of the pricing table to connect the trial price to each plan.
  • Softened the call to action to the lower commitment, “Select Plan.”
  • Added a callout above the highest-value plan.

We believed that these changes—along with the more spacious design, would make the page easier to trust and consequently generate more leads.

Result: Paid trials increased by 43%

During the test, we observed a 43% increase in paid trials.

This win demonstrates the value of learning from real customers. VectorVest’s pricing might seem simple to someone familiar with the product. To “see” the issue, we needed to experience the page through the users’ eyes.

That’s why we sent a draft of this Win Report to others in our team before it was published. (We “user test” all our articles because it’s amazing how much fresh eyes can see.)

What next?

As usual, we added the test to our proprietary Wins Database, then looked for ways to apply its lessons to other parts of VectorVest’s business and then to other clients.

If you want us to grow your profits—quickly and efficiently—check if you qualify for a free one-on-one strategy session with one of our CRO consultants.

We’ll only work with you if we believe we can get amazing results together. Our success has come entirely from positive word of mouth, and we plan to keep it that way.

Thanks to VectorVest for letting us share these insights (and for being such a great team to work with).

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