“They add a lot of value to the agency world,” says Jon Myers from MediaVest (now Spark Foundry), an advertising agency

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Jon Myers is a former Head of Search at MediaVest (now Spark Foundry), a media planning and buying agency.

A short video interview with the agency

“Their team comes in and adds amazing value as an extra string to an agency’s bow.”

A transcript of the video

“My name is Jon Myers. I’m Head of Search for MediaVest in Manchester, dealing with looking after the agency, all interests in paid search marketing and search engine optimization.

“I’ve known Conversion Rate Experts now for a little while and I’ve always got on well with you guys, so on a personal level I’d always recommend you because it’s a good company, it’s a good bunch of guys.

“On a personal level I’d always recommend you because it’s a good company, it’s a good bunch of guys.”

“But I think from a professional and commercial level, the key thing is companies like myself—and agencies like myself—we do a lot of work into conversion modeling, we look at how traffic is being analyzed, we look at how we run our campaigns. But at the end of the day, our job is to deliver traffic, and create traffic, and understand it. But when it comes to landing pages we probably can’t give it the time and the dedication that it requires to make the big, big differences. We can make a difference—and we’re very, very proficient at it—but it’s where companies like yourselves can come in and add an amazing value as an extra string to an agency’s bow.

“Companies like yourselves can come in and add an amazing value as an extra string to an agency’s bow.”

“Having yourself on board dealing day in, day out with conversion optimization and understanding what is going on with the traffic that we acquire can only make for a very, very powerful combination. So having companies like yourself around is of value to the industry, and certainly of value to the agency world, because I do believe you add a lot of value.”

“Having companies like yourself around is of value to the industry, and certainly of value to the agency world”

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