“Surpassed all other consultants we hired and the results were great,” says Neil Patel, co-founder of Crazy Egg

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Neil Patel is an influential entrepreneur and angel investor. He is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, a leading web-analytics service, which we helped to grow by 363%.

A short video interview with the client

“Our experience with Conversion Rate Experts has been wonderful.”

A transcript of the video

“Conversion Rate Experts surpassed all other consultants we hired and the results were great.

“My name is Neil Patel and I’m the co-founder of Crazy Egg. Crazy Egg is a software solution that helps companies identify what aspects of their website are usable and which aspects aren’t, so then that way they can improve their web design to help boost their conversion rates and make more money from their website.

“People are coming to our website. We are getting sign-ups. But we felt that we were not getting enough sign-ups because people didn’t understand what we offer. We were getting a lot of calls from customers who were saying, “Hey, what is it that you exactly offer?”

“Conversion Rate Experts surpassed all other consultants we hired and the results were great.”

“Before we used Conversion Rate Experts, we hired two other consultants. One consultant specifically worked on improving our conversion rates, similar to Conversion Rate Experts. We had some uplifts, but the results weren’t great. We also hired another consultant who tested our call to actions and our copy, and he did that by buying outside traffic. The results with that also provided a small lift, but they weren’t that great.

“Conversion Rate Experts solved our problem by surveying our customers, getting an understanding of what they liked and what they didn’t like, what they were expecting. They did a lot of user testing. They got a ton of feedback from customers. And then, they took that data and modified our design, call to actions, our copy.

“They acted like our business was their business. They took care of it as they would do with their own business. And they were very careful with their decisions, and they were all strategical and very logical. So, instead of saying, “We want to do this, or we want to do that, or I think this would be best for the business”, they got data to back up their decisions and they did that. Which is why we had such a substantial lift.

“They acted like our business was their business.”

“Our experience with Conversion Rate Experts has been wonderful. The amount of revenue increase that they provided has been substantial. Plus the amount of net worth that they provided to the company has more than paid for their fees. If you’re considering using them, you’re making a mistake—you should already be using them. So I would go out there and hire Conversion Rate Experts right away.”

“If you’re considering using them, you’re making a mistake—you should already be using them.”

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