An extra £14 million a year for, an online travel company

The following is from our huge library of client successes—why not discover how we can help grow your business? is a UK-based travel agency that offers cheap vacations. In this case study, you can see details about how we made them an extra £14 million.

A short video interview with the client

“It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

A transcript of the video

“Hi, I’m Chris Clarkson. I am the Marketing Director for Sunshine’s an online travel agency based in the UK. We’re focused on the cheaper end of the market—high volume, low margins, and give the consumer the best prices we can.

“Our company worked on organic search (SEO) and the affiliate channel, and we were looking for other areas to improve the website, and this seemed an obvious choice.

“‘Additional sales for free’ was probably the biggest selling point. We already have the traffic, and this way we’re making better use of it.

“We already have the traffic, and this way we’re making better use of it.”

“They have a very good reputation. I’ve seen them at a few exhibitions and seminars before. I like the no-bullshit approach they have. I think our main concerns would be related to search engine optimization and how it would affect the website, but we’re finding it’s much easier to control than we perhaps feared.

“I like the no-bullshit approach they have.”

“It’s always nice to be learning new things, and we’re constantly learning, and what we learn with from CRE we can apply to our other websites.

“We’re constantly learning”

“I think our first homepage test, we had a 24% increase in conversion. The next homepage test was a further 19%. And across our hotel pages, which is the biggest change we made, there’s a 24% increase in conversion, which is worth about £4 million a year.

“All the changes we’ve made, and the conversion rates that have been increased, we estimate it’ll be between £28–£31 million turnover next year compared to £16 million this year. It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

“It’ll be between £28–£31 million turnover next year compared to £16 million this year. It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

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