The best of 2017

Our highest-rated articles of 2017

In case you missed them, we’ve compiled our highest-rated articles of 2017—the ones that received the most attention and positive feedback from our subscribers and clients. The articles below contain some amazingly useful ideas:

  1. Joke-writing applied to marketing: Jerry Seinfeld’s advice for joke-writing—and how to apply it to copywriting
  2. Why conversion is life-changing: Introducing “The Power Law of CRO”—and why it means CRO is the most important activity for your business
  3. How to be creative: John Cleese’s advice on how to be creative—and how to apply it to conversion
  4. Why it’s imperative to focus on CRO now: The first-mover advantage
  5. Shortcuts that persuade brains: The ultimate cheat sheet of cognitive biases
  6. Improve your writing in seconds: How to make your writing easier to read
  7. How CRO fits into your other marketing: Why Moz’s Rand Fishkin calls CRO “the most important marketing activity”
  8. Mental models that make you smarter: 189 mental models for success (and other great tips)
  9. Accessibility tips: Accessibility is good for profits—more than you might expect
  10. A glimpse into the world’s most successful companies: Get the company handbooks of the world’s most sophisticated businesses

The best of everything else in 2017—music, movies, games, etc.

This is the time of year when we love to explore the year’s “best of” lists, searching Google for phrases like “best of 2017.”

We’ve been particularly enjoying the following:

What will 2018 bring?

Whatever your New Year’s resolutions, here’s wishing that 2018 will be your most successful year yet.

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