“It was a professional dream come true for me to have worked with them,” says Limeade Listening , an online B2B platform

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Limeade Listening, formerly called TINYpulse, is an online B2B platform for engaging employees. It offers innovative “pulse” surveys, peer recognition, and performance reviews to boost retention and your bottom line. We use Limeade Listening to run our own business, so we were delighted when it became a client.

A short video interview with the client

“In some of the places like the top of the funnel, we almost doubled our conversion rates.”

A transcript of the video

“I’ve always wanted to work with Conversion Rate Experts because I wanted to better myself and understand my learning around those things, and so it was a professional dream-come-true for me to have worked with them. In some of the places like the top of the funnel, we almost doubled our conversion rates there.

“In some of the places like the top of the funnel, we almost doubled our conversion rates.”

“My name is Kevin Nakao. I run the marketing and PR departments for Limeade Listening, and our mission is to make employees happier, and we work with over 1,000 companies to do that. So, in terms of my background, I’ve worked for over ten years in the digital online world and mobile. I’ve worked in a lot of environments where conversion rates were critical. I’ve launched and marketed two top-five music websites, one top ecommerce site. I was the president and COO of White Pages. We were a top-50 online website and mobile publisher. We had over 50 million mobile downloads and were top of the charts in the iTunes store.

“So I’ve been around the block.

“I was the president and COO of White Pages”

“When we first launched Limeade Listening, the first couple years, we had fantastic conversion rates. The market started to really grow. It became more competitive and more mature. And we started to see some of our conversion rates decline. We tried a whole bunch of things. We weren’t really testing and iterating as quickly as we needed to. We probably didn’t have all the insights that we needed to make the right decisions.

“So, at that point, we decided we needed to get some help. It’s a different type of process than I’ve worked with before. They spend a lot of time in the very beginning just instrumenting your site to collect data. But they also know how to balance it, because every day you’re not optimizing, you’re losing money. So it’s a nice balance between doing what is statistically sound and also what’s pragmatic—to drive business results.

“It’s a nice balance between doing what is statistically sound and also what’s pragmatic—to drive business results.”

“A lot of times, you may come up with great ideas but, in order to make them happen, you’ve gotta write copy, and you’ve got to get designs. We have our own copywriters and designers, but we wanted to have an outside point of view, and we actually wanted to get the work done quicker. There were no other competing priorities.

“We wanted to have an outside point of view, and we actually wanted to get the work done quicker.”

“There are so many ways that they helped dig into the weeds for us on our analytics and tracking. They even helped us with an issue on Google Analytics that had nothing to do with the work we were doing with them. And so, they have a ton of experts that you can call on and that were helpful in the project. And it was also helpful to work with somebody that’s worked with different companies in a whole bunch of different industries and a whole bunch of different sets of experiences, to really give us the perspective that we needed.

“They have a ton of experts that you can call on”

“As a result of working with Conversion Rate Experts, we almost doubled the amount of testing and experiments we were doing every month and, some of the places like the top of the funnel, we saw, definitely, we almost doubled our conversion rates there. One of the unanticipated benefits of working with Conversion Rate Experts is how it’s helped all of us on the team get better at what we do, by just learning from them.”

“It’s helped all of us on the team get better at what we do”

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